How to Boost Your Brand with Instagram Stories


July 21, 2017

The House Magazine

How to Boost Your Brand with Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories. After spending countless hours obsessing over your Instagram content and theme, Stories enters the world of social media and changes the game. It has become the hottest feature for bloggers of all shapes and sizes to quickly and easily grow their brand, blog traffic and affiliate sales. It gives your followers a raw and real-time look into what you and your brand is all about. And that is something that can definitely drive traffic to your website – especially when used effectively.

For bloggers, Instagram stories is a place where you can show your followers behind the scenes looks, creative buzz over an announcement, or give exclusive sneak peeks. This all supplements your brand and your feed and doesn’t necessarily mean it will gain you new users. Why go through the trouble? Because it will create loyalty with your current and future followers.

Before Instagram Stories, your loyal audience chose to follow you because they relate to your content and your theme. A consistent theme is so important and is one of the most talked about pieces of advice for those trying to build a following. Your theme is what is visually appealing and is what helps tell your story. If the stories feature is a supplement to your feed, should it not follow the theme you have already created? Consistency is key when creating brand loyalty. When your feed and your stories are both branded, it will make it much easier for your audience to recall the information you put out there. And that will hopefully keep them coming back every 24 hours.

The Everygirl Instagram Story Example

If you don’t already follow @theeverygirl you should. And pay attention to their story. It is beautifully branded and one that I check everyday because I know that I can expect informative content about what they are featuring on the blog each day. Another one of my favorite bloggers and Instamoms is Joy Green (@joyfullygreen). I am obsessed with her feed, and her Stories are amazing. She carries the beauty of her feed over by using the same bright filters/colors that she uses in her photos.

Joyfully Green Instagram Story Example

Creative Market Design Packs

Now to the good stuff. I love good graphic design. My marketing/design background, makes me a little OCD when it comes to keeping my brand consistent. I am new to the Instagram Stories world, but I am already looking for way to create branded announcements, sneak peaks, etc for my blog. Creative Market is the first place I head to for inspiration. It’s one of the best places for busy bloggers to find pre-designed and customizable templates that work with your brand. A huge time saver. Below are some of my favorite design packs you can use to create branded imagery for your Story. With the upload a photo feature, you can create your branded image and easily load it into your 24-hour time frame.

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